Abuse of the Elderly and How it Can Be Prevented

Elderly people are often targeted by criminals as most of them suffer from psychomotor difficulties. Statistically, elderly people are also likely to be living alone in their homes, and this makes them even more vulnerable. Given that abuse of the elderly has become rampant, it is essential to investigate some of the main crimes targeted at older people. We will also examine the causes of elder abuse, as well as some ways of preventing these crimes. You should take the time to educate your relatives and older friends, and if possible, you can talk to their caretakers to help them take better care of the elderly. It is always better to hire caregivers as they will help your relatives avoid loneliness and the dangers of living alone.

Main crimes that threaten the elderly

According to elder financial abuse reporting at the National Police Corps, these are the main threats against older people:

• Home burglaries that may or may not involve violence

• Abandonment and abuse, which can be in hygienic, emotional, psychological and physical forms

• Theft on public roads or commercial establishments

• Deceitful or fraudulent use of their properties

• Intimidation

As you learn about these crimes, it is also important to figure out what to do if you suspect elder financial abuse.

Ways to prevent financial crimes against the elderly

Over the past years, elderly financial abuse cases have increased significantly. It is important to note that the elderly are highly vulnerable and need protection and care from their direct relatives or caregivers. In the event of a crime, they should also receive support from the local or national police.

Abuse cases

Elderly people can easily suffer physical abuse as they are likely to be infirm. However, abuse doesn’t always come in the physical form. The individual may also suffer psychological abuse, which happens through yelling, intimidation, and threats. Another common form of abuse is economic, where the criminals misuse the belongings or money of the elderly person. Neglect is also a form of abuse. It happens when the individual doesn’t get their basic needs met. Sexual abuse and violence against their basic rights are also quite serious. You should pay close attention to your elderly relatives and check for any signs of physical violence. Other signs of the elderly being manipulated include mood swings and fear that seems to come out of nowhere.

You should consider seeking the help of a caregiver since they would be better able to pay attention to your elderly relatives. While children of the elderly are able to care for their relatives with love, they often have to tend to other daily tasks. These include their own jobs and kids. Because of this, it can be easy to miss signs of abuse in the elderly. A full-time or part-time caretaker will be a good solution and will adapt perfectly to your needs.

Theft at home

Robbers will often attack elderly people at home since they generally won’t be able to put up a fight. To make sure your relatives stay safe, you should emphasize that they should never open the door to strangers. Whenever they receive visits from technicians or repairmen, they should ask for identification. You should also call your elderly relatives from time to time as this will make them feel safe, especially if they live alone. A peephole can also go a long way in providing safety to elderly people. You should emphasize that they should close their windows, balconies, and doors with a key whenever they leave the house. With a caregiver, the individual will be able to enjoy greater levels of security as thieves will be disincentivized from attacking the house.

Absence from home

If the elderly person is planning to travel away from home for some time, they should avoid sharing this information with random people. They should only tell trusted relatives and friends where they are planning to go to. It is also important for them to stay in touch with close neighbours in case there is a problem at home. If the elderly individual is planning to spend a lot of time away from home, they can consider installing a device that turns the lights on at specific times. This way, thieves won’t be able to detect that the house is empty. An alarm system would also help to deter thieves from the house.

On the street

To stay safe on the streets, the elderly should avoid carrying all their valuables in the same place. Also, they should avoid losing sight of their valuables. Some items that should be taken care of include keys, wallets, and mobile phones. It is also advisable to avoid going through dimly lit or little travelled places. Crowded areas can also be quite dangerous. Elderly people should also carry an identification card with their basic information, as well as a contact number. In case they are attacked in the streets, they don’t necessarily need to resist as this can lead to physical injury.

In the transport

When travelling, the elderly person should keep all their belongings in sight, preferably in front of them. They should avoid busy areas like train stations.

In the bank

Whenever they visit the bank, they shouldn’t carry written card codes. If they need to withdraw funds from their accounts, they should do so in ATMs, where they can enjoy visibility. Also, they need to avoid making withdrawals around suspicious people. It is better for individuals to withdraw funds that they will use for long periods as this will reduce the number of trips they need to make to the ATM. Whenever they need to take out large sums of money, it is better for them to go with trusted people.


• When walking on the streets, elderly people should avoid street vending, games of chance, and fortune-tellers.

• Whenever they need to use the internet, they should avoid sharing excessive personal information, particularly on social media sites. They should also avoid making purchases on websites that don’t offer secure connections. They must ignore emails or messages that request them keys, passwords, or sensitive data.

• They shouldn’t trust any technical service that hasn’t been requested. Until they communicate with the corresponding company, they shouldn’t sign any papers.

• To avoid telephone scams, they should always get the callers’ information, including their names, titles, company, and company telephone numbers.

Keeping the elderly in their own homes