Loneliness in old age: How to deal with it?

Loneliness is a feeling that is adopted during old age, although it is not usually a voluntary decision. Some circumstances trigger feelings of abandonment, such as the loss of a loved one, the end of work-life, the withdrawal of family and friends, or the elimination of recreational activities.

Behavior changes

Feelings of abandonment generate changes in our attitudes as we age. Sadness, bitterness, resignation, and apathy can invade us. These attitudes cause a decrease in our quality of life. When we feel alone, we begin to neglect our health, decrease physical activity and become less likely to establish social connections, and we close ourselves off. In this way, we fall into depression, which will affect our well-being. Therefore, it is essential to meet the emotional needs of the elderly and dependent. How to do it? The elderly need to satisfy needs for esteem and recognition. Isolation is bad for your mood. For this reason, a series of activities aimed at dissipating the feeling of helplessness is necessary.

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Tricks to face loneliness in old age 

Have the care of a competent person

When a family member cannot take care of the elderly person, the idea is to contact a caregiver, who will dedicate time and effort to take care of their needs and offer them company so that they feel heard.

Becoming a volunteer 

When the elderly person retains certain intellectual and physical abilities, they can continue to be useful to society. He can help with certain tasks in parishes, soup kitchens, schools or offer support to other elderly people.

Regular visits from family and friends

Both the closest family and friends are a source of emotional well-being to share pleasant moments, talks, and playful activities.

Courses for the elderly and dependent 

Good cognitive stimulation is necessary; computer science courses are ideal. Friendships can be established with other participants during the course, and the use of the internet will stimulate the mind.

Join a retirement club 

Depending on the type of activity that most appeals to the interested party, the time can be used to chat, socialize, play cards or share other hobbies.

Going on trips and excursions

The elderly can live new experiences, see new places and make new friends, as long as their health allows it.

Habits that contribute to emotional well-being

Let's not forget that there are activities that help combat isolation. Going for a daily walk, going to the movies once a week, having conversations with neighbors, caring for a pet, attending church, surrounding yourself with young people, reading, listening to music, doing maintenance gymnastics, or participating in ballroom dancing are all just some of the recommendations.

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