Memory loss in older people. How to prevent it?

Memory problems are often considered a symptom of ageing. However, they are neither an exclusive problem of the elderly nor do they always occur at advanced ages. The causes of memory loss are conditioned by various factors. Knowing its origin and doing memory exercises for adults will help prevent the problem from worsening.

What are the Causes of Memory Loss?

The idea that memory loss is a warning sign of dementia, Alzheimer’s or some neurodegenerative disease is widespread. Although it is true that many of these pathologies are associated with these lapses of the mind, memory problems can also respond to other causes.

Biochemical changes in the brain in situations of stress or anxiety.

Vitamin B1 deficiency as a result of alcohol and drug abuse.

Side effects of some medications.

Poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits.

Brain tumours or injuries.

Low levels of serotonin as a consequence of a depressive state. However, depression and memory loss in elderly can be treated and memory loss reversed in some cases.

Is it Normal to Lose Memory with Age

Memory problems in advanced ages may be a warning of cognitive deterioration associated with the passage of time. Are you caring for an elderly person who forgets what day it is? Has an older relative repeated the same question to you several times? These little forgetfulness that are sometimes so common to us are some symptoms of elderly memory loss.

Cognitive decline tends to accelerate as we get older. However, we have already seen that the memory changes that occur at advanced ages do not have to be associated with pathologies such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. The physiological variations that occur in the brain hinder its ability to process, store and retrieve information.

But the brain also has the ability to regenerate. Through neurogenesis, new neurons are produced and some of those retention and memory capacities are recovered. There are many ways to enhance this neuroregeneration and exercises for memory loss. These are among the most effective techniques for any age.

Brain Health at Different Stages of Life

The brain is divided into several areas. Each of them is dedicated to controlling certain functions of the organism. This is possible thanks to a complicated network of neural connections that transmit information through chemical and electrical signals.

Although it is not a muscle, the brain can be trained to be more efficient in performing certain functions. And since memory loss is not strictly related to age, it is important to take care of brain health at any age.

The implementation of these tips is the best prevention of memory loss at any age:

Sleep well: sleep helps to consolidate memory and favours the storage of new memories.

Relax: with stress control, the production of cortisol, a hormone that affects brain functions, is reduced.

Eat a good diet: it is advisable to reduce the consumption of saturated and Trans fats and increase that of antioxidant foods that reduce cellular oxidation.

Socializing: socializing involves some everyday mental challenges that go unnoticed.

Practice exercise: physical exercise eliminates cortisol. With low cortisol levels, the neurogenesis process is accelerated and with it, a progressive recovery of memory is produced.

All these are points on how to help elderly parent with memory loss.

Combat memory loss in older people with memory exercises for adults

Some activities help with memory loss for elderly. Cognitive stimulation activities are recommended to maintain optimal brain performance, especially at advanced ages. Some of the most common adult exercises and games for elderly with memory loss are:

Crossword puzzles: improve spatial perception and stimulate memory. They are also a good way to expand vocabulary and communication skills.

Sudokus: an interesting numerical alternative to crossword puzzles. They exercise memory with the dynamics of completing a series of numbers vertically and horizontally.

Puzzles: increase concentration, attention and visual capacity. They are also a creative pastime with which coordination and motor skills are worked on.

Card games: they are a playful way to enhance memory. As there are countless card games, it is always possible to find one that adapts to the level of complexity that the older person can assume.

Memory cards: it consists of making associations between words or images that are placed face down and are discovered little by little.

Caring for the elderly: recovering memory by working at home

Memory problems accelerate if not treated early. Loneliness or lack of stimuli throughout the day do not help either. For this reason, at Cuidum, we believe that caring for the elderly at home is also an opportunity to train the mind and recover memory.

A home caregiver can be actively involved in promoting healthy habits and routines that will help older adults recover their memory. It will also be the one who stays alert to the first symptoms of more serious memory loss that require medical intervention to assess the extent of the problem.

Memory loss in the elderly can be prevented. While it is true that it is normal to lose your memory with age, it is also a fact that there are memory techniques and exercises for adults that are very effective. But the success of exercises for memory loss depends largely on perseverance and dedication. That is why home care for the elderly is also presented as a practical alternative to treating memory loss elderly from the comfort of one’s own home.

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